Ab bahaut hua nukshaan online marketplace mai , chalo karte hai register DSM (digital stock management ) mai
अब बहुत हुआ नुक्सान ऑनलाइन मार्केटप्लेस मैं , चलो अब करते है DSM(digital stock management) रजिस्टर में
DSM will help you effort less, low maintenance, reduce manpower, reduce seller handling time .
Easy to manage of each product only by uploading order sheet to our DSM , one click it will manage each and every thing from the date of dispatch , it reduce the manpower of management of flipkart marketplace .
Easy to track and identify of all type return like courier & customer return of each particular order id or item id of flipkart marketplace and others, and easy to claim of each & every product , which is damage or wrong product
Easy to manage payment data record of each and every product data of flipkart marketplace and others marketplace .
Well structure and organized frame of admin panel of DSM , which reminds and notify to uplod payment sheets of particular days of flipkart marketplce, easy to audit sales report .
Records all total retrun and payment transcations such sales and spf claims agianst the product and total order count .